Tot Spot Policies

Child Guidance

Caring about students and wanting the best possible learning environment for them assumes a positive approach to child guidance.  Supportive class management is the way our program is organized.  The learning process involves teaching children to resolve their differences and develop self-control.  Children must learn to live cooperatively and successfully with others.

Our approach to child guidance is a positive approach which involves teaching children to be kind and respectful to others, to cooperate with classmates and staff, to resolve differences verbally, and to develop self-regulation skills in order to create a safe and positive learning environment for everyone.    This will be done through reminders, suggestions, discussion, redirection, modeling and developing empathy.  Some strategies and examples are as follows:

  1. You may knock down the things that you build and your friends can knock down the things that they build.
  2. You may share that toy with your friend now or in two minutes.
  3. Your friend looks frustrated (angry, sad). Let’s give that toy back and ask your friend for a turn instead.
  4. Come and sit over here. I think you will be able to listen better in this spot.

If a child becomes disruptive or harmful and does not respond to teacher suggestions for behavioral change the child will be invited to sit down in a quiet area of the room where he/she can still see the other children.  Once the child is settled, the teacher will have a discussion with the child to develop a better approach for next time.

Physical punishment, physical and verbal abuse and emotional deprivation will not be used as a means for child guidance.

Emergency Procedure for an Accident or Serious Illness

In the case of an accident or serious illness, Tot Spot will notify the child’s parent/guardian and will ensure the child receives medical attention if necessary.  If emergency services are required, we will call 911.  If the child needs to go to the hospital, the child’s health form will accompany the child in the ambulance.

Fire Emergency Procedure

If a fire occurs, we will:

  1. Activate the fire alarm.
  2. Line up, count the children and proceed to the nearest exit with the teacher at the front of the line facing the children. Teachers will have attendance and student records with them and will close doors behind them to confine fire.
  3. Have an adult in the gym and craft areas check washrooms.
  4. Recount the children once outside.
  5. Call 911 and give the address – 1507 Acadia Drive SE – Bonavista Baptist Church.

To prepare for a fire emergency we will:

  1. Pre-plan our fire escape route.
  2. Practice with children.
  3. Practice fire prevention at all times.

NOTE: Our emergency evacuation location is the St. Bonaventure Catholic CHURCH across the street from Tot Spot.

Communicable Disease Policy

Tot Spot has a Communicable Disease Policy in place. We follow Alberta Health Services guidelines.  For it to work, we need your help.


  1. Reporting a Communicable Disease

If a child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease, parents/guardians must report it to the child’s teacher. Teachers will then contact all the parents/guardians of the children who have been exposed to the affected child. Tot Spot will report the communicable disease to the appropriate health authorities.


  1. Public Health Recommendations

Tot Spot will consult with Public Health and will follow their recommendations. It might be necessary for a child’s parents/guardians to remove the child until the child is well enough to return.


  1. Child Becoming Ill at Tot Spot

Should a child become ill at Tot Spot, parents/guardians will be notified immediately and staff will isolate the child until the parent/guardian arrives to take the child home. If the child’s parents/guardians are not available, the emergency contact person will be called.


  1. Keeping a Sick Child at Home

Parents are asked to be vigilant about keeping their child home when he/she is ill and not feeling well.

The Child Care Licensing Handbook states that a child is considered ill when they exhibit any of the following signs or symptoms: vomiting, fever, frequent diarrhea, or a new unexplained rash or cough. A child may also be considered ill if they temporarily require greater care and attention that cannot be provided without compromising the care of other children, or if a staff member knows or believes the child poses a health risk to other persons on the program premises.


If your child has been ill, they should be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school.


Pre-Existing Conditions – Please notify your child’s teacher if your child has any pre-existing conditions such as allergies, asthma, diabetes, etc. Please note these on the health form you will receive with your information package and let your child’s teacher know when they call you prior to the first day of school.


  1. Head Lice

Please notify Tot Spot immediately if you find your child has lice. Lice are not uncommon and can be acquired by any child. Please see your child’s doctor and follow the eradication procedure that is prescribed. Children with lice will not be allowed to return to school until they have been treated.


  1. Staff Training

All Tot Spot staff is trained in First Aid and CPR as required by Children’s Services. Our goal is to keep students and staff healthy and safe.