October at Tot Spot

October 6, 2024

October will be a busy and exciting month for the children at Tot Spot!  Both the three and four year old classes will be exploring the themes of Thanksgiving and Halloween through crafts, stories, songs and play.  We begin the month getting ready for Thanksgiving which includes a special cooking/baking day.  Your child will be bringing home a tasty treat to sample for Thanksgiving.  In preparation for Halloween, our special day this month will be Orange and Black Day. The children are encouraged to wear something orange and/or black on October 17th/18th. On October 30th and October 31st, you are welcome to stay for the first half hour of our Halloween celebration. We will have a costume parade and sing some “spooky” songs for you. As always, we like to focus on the fun of dressing up and the element of make believe at Halloween.

Photograph days are October 2nd and October 3rd.  Please refer to the separate email you received last week with suggestions from our photographer, Kate!

We would like to thank you for keeping your children at home when they are not feeling well.  We REALLY appreciate it.  If your child has to miss school for any reason, please phone or email us and let us know the reason for the absence.  If your child is ill, please include the symptoms and the date the symptoms started so that we can accurately report them to AHS.  Thank you for helping us keep Tot Spot healthy and safe for all our families!

September is a busy month for families and we realize it is hard to keep up with all the paper.  If you haven’t already done so, please take the time to read the information package emailed to you at the beginning of September.  It has a lot of important information that you will find helpful.

There are a few items we would like you to take special note of:

  • Please ensure your child has been to the bathroom before coming to school each day.
  • Please ensure that all snacks are NUT FREE including granola bars and spreads (no peanut butter, almond butter, Nutella, etc.), and that all grapes and cherry/grape tomatoes are cut in half LENGTHWISE.   Please send water in a water bottle for your child to have with their snack (no juice please).  We find TWO ITEMS are plenty for snack time as it is only 15 minutes long.  If you include more than two choices, please put in small portions as some children are frustrated if they don’t have time to eat all their snacks. 
  • Please place only the child’s snack bag in the snack bins provided.  Please put all backpacks, coats, hoodies, etc. in the coat room behind the fireplace.
  • Children do not need a change of clothing at school as we have a large bin of extra clothes for accidents.  On rainy or snowy days, please bring a dry pair of shoes (runners are best) to school to change into upon arrival.  Wet footwear can be left on the mats in the foyer. 
  • Please label all outdoor clothing, boots, snack bags, water bottles and backpacks with your child’s name to prevent mix-ups and help us identify the owner of items left behind.


October 2nd /3rd – Photograph Days

October 14th – Thanksgiving Day (no classes)

October 17th/18th – Orange and Black Days – Wear some orange and/or black! October 30th/31st – Halloween Celebrations.  Wear a costume to school!

Tot Spot Preschool