November 2023 at Tot Spot

November 8, 2023

November is a month full of learning and fun at Tot Spot. We begin the month exploring the concepts of colours, shapes, numbers, sorting and patterns. Following this, the three year old classes will be focusing on nursery rhymes and the four year old classes will be engaging in many exciting dinosaur activities. Diwali (The Festival of Lights) is celebrated in November.  Look for a special craft coming home on November 15th or 16th!  Our special day this month will be Blue/Blue Jean Day on November 23rd/24th.  Wear something blue and/or your blue jeans on this day!

We would like to thank you again for being extremely diligent keeping your children at home if they are at all unwell.  If, for any reason, your child is going to be absent from Tot Spot, we would appreciate it if you could give us a quick phone call or email to let us know he/she will be absent and the reason for the absence.  This allows us to run our program accordingly and to monitor illnesses within our program.

With the onset of our wintery weather, we remind you that children need to have a pair of appropriate indoor shoes (runners are best) to wear while they are at school as all wet footwear must be removed before entering the classroom (adults too please).  Please put wet footwear on the mats provided in the foyer.  Also, please ensure that your child leaves school with the correct boots.  Please put your child’s name in his/her boots to avoid mix-ups.

We understand the children are very excited about their Halloween treats and may want to have one in their snack.  Please ensure that you only include ones that are NUT FREE.  If your child has a snack that requires a spoon, please include one with their snack.  We would also appreciate only water in water bottles.  They often leak or aren’t closed properly and juice is a much stickier mess to deal with! 

Parent volunteers are a vital part of our program.  We are required to have a second adult in any class with more than 12 students present but we really appreciate having a volunteer in all our classes every day.  There is much less “standing around” time for the students if they have a volunteer to help them clean before moving on to the next room.

Looking ahead to December, we recognize the children are excited about the receiving aspect of Christmas but we also like to focus on the joy of giving.  With that in mind, we invite you and your child to bring in a new unwrapped toy or food donation during the week of December 4th – 8th.  All donations will be forwarded to the Salvation Army for their Food and Toy Drive.

We would like to remind you that our Program Plan is on the bulletin board outside the doors entering the classroom.  You are welcome to read it at any time but it must remain on the premises.  We also welcome feedback about our program and Program Plan.  Please forward any comments to Lorrie Crowe at

Important Dates to Remember:

November 10th – 14th Fall Break (Tot Spot is closed)

November 23rd/24th – Blue/Blue Jean Day  

December 4th to December 8th – Salvation Army Food and Toy Drive

December 19th (am & pm classes)/20th (am classes only) – Christmas Celebrations  

December 21st to January 7th – Christmas Break

PLEASE NOTE:  Tot Spot closes at NOON December 20th. Classes resume January 8th.

Tot Spot Preschool