March 2023 at Tot Spot

March 2, 2023

March will be a fun filled month at Tot Spot! Our three year olds will be learning about nutrition using the new Canada food guide as a base. The four year old classes will be making their very own books of some of our favourite stories. Watch for these special keepsakes to be coming home before Spring Break!
Our special day for March will be Green Day, to be held on March 16th and 17th. Wear some green to school that day!
We are excited to bring back a long standing tradition at Tot Spot – Dad’s Nights! They will be held on April 18th (T/Th morning classes, all pm classes) and April 19th (M/W/F morning classes). The children are invited to bring their dad to school for an evening of fun and entertainment. The evening begins at 6:30 pm and wraps up around 8 pm. If dad is unavailable to come, a grandparent, uncle, or any other significant person is welcome to attend with your child. As this is a special evening for your child with their dad/special guest (and due to our limited space), siblings are not able to attend. Please note that your child does not come to school during the daytime on their Dad’s Night.
Those of you with children in our 4 year old program may be thinking about what your child should be able to do to be ready for kindergarten in the fall. I’m For Kids Team has prepared a checklist that you might find helpful and has graciously allowed us to share it with you. You will find it attached and we will continue to work on many of these skills at school. Remember that every child learns at his/her own rate and this is just meant to be a guideline.
A special thank you to all the parents that have made presentations for our Community Helper theme. We look forward to a few more the beginning of March!
Teacher’s have their new volunteer signup sheets available now. It is a very special day for your child when you come in to volunteer. We also really appreciate your help! Moms, dads, grandparents, and other significant adults are all welcome. Please take advantage of this great opportunity to be a part of your child’s education!
Registration for next fall is ongoing. Thank you for continuing to recommend us to your family, friends and neighbours. Some classes only have a few spots left but we currently have at least one spot available for both 3 and 4 year olds in each time slot.
Important Dates to Remember:
March 16th/17th – Green Day. Wear some green to school!
March 25th- April 2nd – Spring Break. Classes resume Monday, April 3rd.
April 7th – Good Friday (Tot Spot is closed).
April 10th – Easter Monday (Tot Spot is closed).
April 18th (6:30-8:00) – Dad’s Night – T/Th am classes and all pm classes
April 19th (6:30-8:00) – Dad’s Night – M/W/F am classes
*Children do not attend class during the daytime on their Dad’s Night.

Tot Spot Preschool