Learning Spaces

Tot Spot has several distinct play/learning areas for children to experience each day. Each provides different activities designed to develop a wide variety of skills. We provide a theme-based program and our toys are rotated monthly. Each day includes a visit to the craft room, activity room, play room, gym, story room and snack time.

Craft Room

Each day the children will create an individual project and have the opportunity to choose the sand table, lego table, play dough table, listening centre and/or special theme activities.

Registration 2023-2024

Activity Room

Children can choose from many activities in this room that encourage the development of fine motor and problem solving skills: puzzles, games, building blocks, train table and books.

Play Room

This room highlights large muscle group activities and imaginary play that includes a water table, house centre and theme-based toys. Dramatic play is incorporated through the play centre which changes themes monthly.


The children participate in a daily gym activity to develop their gross motor skills. Such activities could include structured games, dramatic play, musical games, or equipment (parachute, bean bags, and hoops).

Story Room

Circle time incorporates stories, songs, rhymes, sharing, and learning based on our current themes. Four-year-old classes also participate in calendar activities and show-and-share.

Snack Time

Parents provide a water bottle and nutritious snack for their children to bring to school each day.