Happy New Year! We trust everyone had a wonderful time with family and friends over the holidays. We would like to start off 2025 by thanking you for your generous donations to the Salvation Army Food and Toy Drive! We had several boxes of food and toys that went to families that needed a little extra support this holiday season. Your generosity is appreciated!
We’d also like to thank you for your many hours of volunteering in the fall. Having a volunteer in every class makes a HUGE difference to our program. Classes with more than 12 children require a volunteer every day. Please remember to sign up for a day/days that work for you at drop off or pick up time. If your child’s class is struggling to get volunteers, please feel free to sign up more often. We have one extra staff person that can help out if someone needs to cancel at the last minute due to illness.
We will begin the new year exploring many things associated with winter through crafts, games and stories. After completing our winter theme, the four year old classes will be learning about bears and penguins while the three year old classes will be exploring different types of transportation. Our special day this month will be Pyjama Day (January 23rd/24th) so wear your pyjamas and bring your favourite stuffy to school this day! Show and Share will also begin the last week of January for children in the 4 year old program. Watch for further details later this month!
Registration for the 2025/2026 school year is fast approaching! There are three ways to register this year.
- Email – Complete digital registration forms, or scan/take a picture of hardcopy, and email to info@totspotpreschool.ca.
- In Person – Fill out the registration forms and drop them off in person at Tot Spot Preschool.
- Online – Go to www.totspotpreschool.ca and register online.
January 13th@ 9:00am – Registration (email, in person and online) opens to returning families.
Please note: Registrations received before 9:00 am on January 13th will not be processed until the afternoon.
January 20th@ 9:00am – Registration (email, in person and online) opens to the public.
Please note: Registrations received before 9:00 am on January 20thwill not be processed until the afternoon.
Registration forms will be available at the school January 9th and 10th. A digital copy will be emailed to families on January 9th. Registration forms need to be accompanied with a $100.00 registration fee (e-transfer to info@totspotpreschool.ca or cheque/cash) to secure a spot as well as a completed Pre-Authorized Debit Form. Registration is on a first come, first served basis.
Just a gentle reminder that the children need a pair of shoes (running shoes are best) to change into at school and wet footwear/boots should be placed on the mats in the foyer. Please make sure boots are labelled with your child’s name and ensure your child has the correct boots when leaving. Please note: we do practice fire drills and don’t have time to stop to put on winter boots!We would also like to remind you to have your child use the washroombefore coming to school or use the washrooms down the hall to the right of the sanctuary before coming in to class.
Important Dates To Remember:
January 13th– Registration opens @ 9:00 am for past and present Tot Spot families.
January 20th– Registration opens @ 9:00 am to the public.
January 23rd/24th -Pyjama Day – wear your pyjamas and bring your favourite stuffy to school this day!
February 11th – Valentine Celebrations for T/TH classes. February 12th– Valentine Celebrations forMWF classes.