February at Tot Spot

January 31, 2024

February is an exciting month at Tot Spot beginning with a Valentine theme for both our three and four year old classes.  Friendship and kindness will be our focus along with Valentine crafts and activities.  Our Valentine celebrations will be held on February 13th (T/Th am and all pm classes) and February 14th(MWF am classes). Children are invited to bring in valentines for their friends that day. We have found it makes it easier to deliver the cards if the child puts only his/her own name on the card (eg. From Sam). Please leave the “To” section blank.  To add to our celebrations, please wear valentine colours (red, white, pink and/or purple) to school this day.  After Valentine’s Day, the three year old classes will learn about community helpers while the four year olds will explore space and our solar system.  We look forward to some special visitors during this time as well!

Pink Shirt Day (Anti-Bullying Day) is on Wednesday, February 28th.  We will observe this on both Tuesday, February 27th and Wednesday, February 28th so all the Tot Spot children can participate.  Wear your pink shirt on these days as we emphasize how important it is to be kind to everyone every day!

In preparation for kindergarten, the four year old classes will be working on printing their names.  Lots of reinforcement of this concept at home is helpful. A good way to encourage proper letter formation is to encourage the children to “start their letters at the top” (except for lower case “e”).  We also find this is a good time to start working with your child on learning a parent’s phone number and their address orally.  A great time to do this is when you are driving/waiting in the car!

A few reminders:

  • Registration for next year is on-going.  At the present time there are spots available in all classes.  A big thank you to all who have recommended us to your friends, neighbours and family!
  • Tot Spot t-shirt orders are due Friday, February 2nd.
  • Please make sure your contact information is up to date.  If you have moved, changed your cell number or have new emergency contact information, please let us know.
  • Please ensure your child has visited the bathroom before class and has proper indoor footwear for our gym activities and fire drills.
  • Please ensure your children leave the school in a safe manner at pickup time.  Running up and down the ramp or in the gym and climbing on the railings can result in someone getting hurt.  We appreciate your help in reminding children to use their “walking feet”.
  • Please ensure that all snacks are nut free (volunteers too)!
  • Please label all outerwear (boots, coats, etc) and snack containers/bags as we have had a number of mixups lately.

Important Dates To Remember:

  • February 13th (T/TH am and all pm classes) / February  14th (MWF am classes) – Valentine Celebrations. Bring your cards for your friends and wear red, pink, white and/or purple!
  • February 15th & 16th  – Teachers’ Convention (Tot Spot will be closed).
  • February 19th  – Family Day (Tot Spot will be closed).
  • February 27th/28th – Pink Shirt Day (Anti-Bullying Day) – Wear a pink shirt.

March 23rd-April 1st  – Spring Break (Tot Spot will be closed). Tot Spot reopens on Tuesday, April 2nd.

Tot Spot Preschool